Social Media Marketing Checklist: A Complete Guide for 2023

Image of Social Media Marketing Checklist A Complete Guide for 2023

In today’s marketing trends, every brand wants to stand alone in digital marketing. Social media marketing is one of the best paths to brand recognition and awareness. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are the most popular Social media nowadays.

Most marketers are lacking at the stage of beginning. They didn’t have an idea of what to do in social media marketing. So we are here to help you to create your Social media marketing checklist for effectively boosting your engagement.

1. Define Your Goals and KPI

In this social media marketing checklist, the most important step is to create strategies. This strategy has two parts of actions one is the goal and another one is KPI. 

The goal is about to achieve something like “get 500 followers in the first quarter of the year”

KPI stands for “Key Performance Indicator.” This is about how to measure your success or performance. The most common KPIs are impressions, engagement rate, reach, website traffic, and generated leads.

You have to make this in a doc or Google sheet and give them access to all stakeholders.

2. Choose Your Targeted Platforms

You already know there are a number of social media platforms available in the digital world. Most of us make the mistake of creating campaigns on all Social media platforms. This may dilute your effort.

So try to choose the best platform that serves your business goal and is fit for your niche. This will be done in two ways. One is to make your buyer persona.

A Buyer Persona is a fictional character based on information about the buyers, how they use the products, which platform they preferred to use, and their pain points. This also helps to Segment our audience.

The second way is to check with your competitors. The tool Semrsh social tracker gives insights into rival’s best performing platform.

3. Create Your Content Cadence

The next important step in your Social media marketing checklist is to prepare for the content cadence. Before starting it you have to tell about your business to the target audience through a clear social media profile. So make sure to create your profile on the targeted platforms.

Further, you should be ready with your content bank and content templates for your Social media. A content bank is a place that has a collection of built-out content, prepared to post on your social media. It may be a file in your system or in a sharable folder. 

The content template is pre-prepared layouts that contain the writing and graphics. Simply it is used as a framework for social media campaigns and posts. Both help us to maintain our brand consistency and save us time.

Make your work more efficient by collecting hashtags from the targeted social media platform. If you want to stay connected with your audience you have to post or run campaigns on social media at the right time. This will achieve through an effective social media calendar. It will be most helpful for those who manage multiple social media accounts. 

The calendar in the social media marketing checklist must contain events, campaigns, posts, and industry-related announcements.

4. Execute the Social Media Strategy

If you planned everything but it doesn’t execute well, the overall work you put into the process will mess up. So how you do it and when you do it is more important in the execution of social media planning. 

If you want to get like and engagement activities from your targeted audience. The only achieves by posting your content at the right time when your customers are active.

You also work with experts and influencers in your industry niche. It’s the best way to improve your brand visibility.

Reinvest in the already well-going content in social media. It helps to reduce your workload and improve your online presence. For example, get a post from your LinkedIn and make some changes and copy. Adopt it for any other social media.

One of the most important things is to boost your best post. Boosting is the process of posting your content by paying some money on social media. It will help to reach a new set of audiences.

5. Stay Active To Respond

You know one of the engagement methods in social media marketing is to respond to the customer’s comments and direct messages. If it’s not done, it may affect your brand’s reputation.

Further, you can go with the Brand Mentioning. It is to monitor how the customers mention you on multiple platforms. Through this, you will get an overview of how they see your brand and where you have the potential. You also post or comment on these mentions(positive or negative)

One of the best practices is to participate in industry discussions and engage with the experts in your industry. The other one is a comment on your competitor’s posts. It will boost your authority.

Stay updated with the upcoming trends or topics in your industry. It makes you unique from others. To achieve this follow hashtags on Twitter or LinkedIn. This helps to touch with the updates.

6. Scale Your Performance

Once all the plans are executed, it’s time to check which one is working and which one needs changes. 

One of the best ways to analyze your performance is to compare data with the competitors. Through this, you can know their strategies and beat them. Explore the trends that working for them.

Always track your follower count, if it decreases then analyze the problem with your content and make it better.

Growth and engagement are the most vital KPI elements to scale your performance. It tells us if any changes are needed in your strategy. Always be proactive to build strong strategies. For this analysis, you can use Semrush’s Social Media Analytics.

Nut Shell

This social media marketing checklist makes your daily task simpler and reduces your stress on planning as well as executing. If you have no time to prepare this list, there are many automation tools available in the market as free or subscription to make your task easy.


  • Ramya Gurusaamy

    About the author: A Digital marketing expert with hands-on experience in On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Content writing, PPC, social media, and WordPress. Above all, My hobby is poetry aficionado. My favorite books are "The power of your subconscious mind" and "Do Epic shit".

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